Friday, July 24, 2009

On The Move.....

So Drew this week has started to do the army crawl all over the place. He goes after everything now... My favorite is when he scoots over to the AC vent and leans over it. His hair blows straight up and his face and hands start to freeze... He loves it... Here are two videos of him moving around. Doesn't he look like the old man's dog on Family Guy?


  1. I knew it and I told you that Drew would be crawling shortly. Wow!! Next he will be up on those knees and then pulling himself up and walking/running. I expect by 9 months. His hair looks darker in the videos. Give him a big hug and kiss from his Connecticut grandparents. XXOO

  2. Poor kid, I have been on that floor, he must look like he dropped a motorcycle on the highway doing 100 with no shirt on!!! Instead of picking out gravel from his chest you are probably picking all the crumbs that Kaylee, Jenna and Kelsey dropped when they were up there!!!

  3. I cannot stop watching these 2 videos of Drew. They make me laugh every time. You will have to go out and get some elbow and knee pads or he will get will get rug burn. XXOO

  4. Oh my goodness, Drew is on the move! Break out the baby proofing gadgets. Love the videos and can't wait to see him in action soon.

  5. What a cutie pie!! Nothing is safe in your house now;0)! Love the videos - thanks for sharing!

  6. Ohh I am just in love with him! He looks so cute scooting around. :) I love it. Thanks so much for sharing these. xo
