Saturday, March 21, 2009

Colin's Team for The Heartwalk

I know Tim said that he was only going to post monthly but,we lied!! Like Tim mentioned before, we have a team set up for Colin for the Heartwalk. We are so happy that so many friends and family members will be there to support us and remember Colin. The link is posted below to the American Heart Association to make a donation in Colin's name. We know that so many people have donated to different organizations over the past few months in Colin's name so, please do not feel as if you must donate. We just wanted to put the information out there for those that cannot walk or are interested in donating.

It's been nice for us to plan for the Heartwalk since the past few weeks have been filled with difficult memories of Colin in Boston. The events of last year play over and over in our minds like a movie. It's been six months today since Colin passed away and we miss him so much. Drew can't wait to walk (stroll actually) for his big brother.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

March Update

Sorry for the delay in posting, but from this point forward I will probably do a monthly update... Drew has been such a great baby and really has helped us continue on... Everyday he continues to grow into a cute little boy.... Although he spits up 30% of his feedings (why can't we have a child who can keep his food down???) he eats like a champ and we may start him on some rice cereal. Mel is busy with Drew but is also going to be going back to work part-time so we are in the process of getting daycare started. As for Drew and I, we are mainly getting ready for NY Mets Baseball and Syracuse in the NCAA tourney....Drew is getting baptised April 19th and on the 18th we are going to have a big crowd walking with us in memory of Colin at the Heartwalk here in town... It will be a perfect weekend (and hopefully nice weather). Enjoy the photos....

PS - Thanks Aunt Jamee for the pictures... (my camera is broken).