Thursday, June 19, 2008

Playing Ball

Yesterday after Colin's therapy, Nanna and I started playing catch with Colin with his big ball. After a few tosses, he started belly laughing. Of course when we got the camera out he didn't laugh quite as much but here is a look.....


  1. I just love his little giggle! I always love to watch Colin no matter what he's doing.

    I've been trying to upload video but I can't for some reason.

    Keep the video's coming!

  2. What a cutie pie! Such a precious smile!

  3. Aawwww, what a cute little laugh. The belly laughs are so fun to listen to. I think Colin likes the big ball!


  4. It was so hard to leave Colin yesterday especially after playing ball with him and really seeing the belly laughs he had. As soon as we got the camera he lost some of the momentum laughing but the video is still so darn cute. Loves and kisses to all.
    Nanna and Grandpa

  5. Colin looks great in all these recent pictures. It warms my heart to see him laugh. He sure is a hardworking little boy!

  6. what a lovable little man!!!
    I haven't tried throwing a ball to Isaac...I'll have to try.

    He's amazing as always...thanks for sharing the video!

  7. It doesn't matter the belly laugh was gone. His giggles make you smile! Keep the blog updated, it's a way for us to see Colin grow and know how's he doing. I can't say I have any one fav but I love the superman pose!.
