Monday, July 14, 2008


If Colin was spotted looking like this in Vegas he would either be taken for an unbelievable poker player or an extra for a police lineup on CSI. What do you think?

Colin slept until 6:30 this morning. We were so excited. He is still doing well with his therapy. Colin missed Daddy this weekend-he was at Uncle Alex's bachelor party. He is very excited to spend Saturday night with Papa & Grandma because Mommy & Daddy have a wedding to go to.

Another positive-It has officially been 1 week since we went down 1.5 ml's on Colin's Lasix. It is so exciting that he was able to handle that decrease in his medicine. AND...Colin will be wearing a tuxedo in Uncle Al's wedding. The tux they put on him was a little big but, with a few minor adjustments it will be fine and he will look so handsome. Can't wait to see him in it!!


  1. I'm going with the poker player. Colin's too sweet to be in a line up. Glad to hear things are going well with the Lasix change. I hope Daddy behaved this weekend. Love, Auntie Susie

  2. I wouldn't want to play any card games with that guy! I think the older he gets the more he looks like his Daddy!

    Great news on the med changes & Colin tolerating it well! Vaeh loses a dose per day now, too!

    Please make sure to post plenty of pics of that cutie in his tux! Can't wait to see those!

  3. He's just in some deep thought....cutie pie!!
    That's great that he's doing good on the lower amounts of lasix.
    OH...I can't wait to see the tux pictures...can you imagine that face and a tux...he'd look like the head of the Mofia here in Vegas!!!

  4. Wow...what a face. He is so darn cute! And look at how big he is getting. I'm so happy he is tolerating the lower dose of Lasix. Arianna has been off her Lasix for a few months and I still notice days where her eyes are more puffy. I'm not sure if that's normal but at least it hasn't stopped her from having all this energy. At least he doesn't have to take that stuff by mouth cause it is absolutely nasty. Yes, I'm the mom that tastes every medicine before giving to my child. LOL!

    By the way, I put Arianna's blog to private and don't have your email address. If you email me your address to I can send you an invite.

    Take Care,

  5. YAY on the lasix decrease tolerance!

    He could make you some serious cash in Vegas. That's a good face!
